Arenga Palm (Arenga obtusifolia) Eradication

Arenga Palm (Arenga obtusifolia) Eradication
Arenga Palm (Arenga obtusifolia) Eradication
Arenga Palm (Arenga obtusifolia) Eradication

In 2024, with support from SAFE Worldwide and the Ministry of Environment and Forestry - Ujungkulon National Park Center (BTNUK), we could be able to carry out Arenga Palm eradication project  which has become BTNUK's target in managing the habitat of the Javan Rhinoceros. With a total of 24 personnel from the local community, field personnel from Ujungkulon National Park and staff from the OFORA Indonesia Conservation Foundation, the project  could be completed covering an area of ​​2 hectares in 10 days. So again, thank you to the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, BTNUK, SAFE Worldwide and the community who have contributed to this project.