World Rhino Day 2022-Rhino Comes to Hotel.

World Rhino Day 2022-Rhino Comes to Hotel.
World Rhino Day 2022-Rhino Comes to Hotel.

Collaboration of OFORA Trust foundation, Ujung Kulon National Park agency and Aston Anyer Hotel.
Thank God the Javan Rhino Monitoring team in Ujungkulon National Park was present at the Aston Anyer Hotel, this year's WRD event was filled with Rhino Talk sharing knowledge & knowledge all about the Javan Rhino - population, habitat, behavior, about the MBJ Team's tasks - simulation of installing camera video traps, smart patrols and the importance of the Javan Rhino itself.
The WRD event was interspersed with Question & Answer with prizes for dinner vouchers plus a Javan rhino doll.
Thank you to the Ujungkulon National Park Office of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, represented by Mr. Ujang Acep as the head of SPTN II for the Handeuleum area, Mr. Pipin and Mr. Asep Yayus, not to forget Om Jajatcianakciawi Theaenk and members of the MBJ team.
Mr. Dodi GM and Mrs. Julie from Aston Anyer Hotel Management who have always held education on Javan rhino conservation for guests every weekend and long weekend. The voucher for the stay for the MBJ team, thank you so much.
Also to the OFORA Trust foundation team who initiated the Rhino Comes to Hotel activity.
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